Wednesday, March 19, 2014

tugas bahasa inggris 2

Tugas softskill materi conditional sentence bulan maret pertemuan ke 1

Exercise 21 pages 97

  1. has understand
  2. wouldn’t be negative
  3. will give
  4. could tell
  5. will be
  6. would have
  7. would stop
  8. were need
  9. will find
  10. have enjoy
  11. paint
  12. was be
  13. has write
  14. have permit
  15. could spend
  16. will accept
  17. would buy
  18. had decide
  19. will write
  20. could leak
  21. had study
  22. hear
  23. will see
  24. had get
  25. have turn
  26. were be
  27. will call
  28. would talk
  29. had explain
  30. had speak

pages 107 exercise 26

  1. well
  2. novel
  3. brightly
  4. fluent
  5. fluently
  6. smooth
  7. accurantely
  8. bitter
  9. sonly
  10. fastly

pages 109 exercise 27

  1. terrible
  2. good
  3. good
  4. calm
  5. sick
  6. quickly
  7. diligently
  8. vehemently
  9. relaxed
  10. noisy

pages 114 exercise 28

  1. sooner
  2. more
  3. better
  4. more
  5. better
  6. more
  7. more
  8. happier
  9. worse
  10. faster

pages 114 exercise 29

  1. than
  2. than
  3. from
  4. than
  5. than
  6. as
  7. as
  8. than
  9. as
  10. than

pages 117 exercise 30

  1. better
  2. happiest
  3. faster
  4. creamist
  5. more colorful
  6. better
  7. good
  8. more awkwardly
  9. least
  10. the best

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